USBDAALBFER is a multi-purpose interface SATSAGEN compatible with driving external systems, like an SNA that accepts horizontal input with ~ 10Vpp for sweep operations. Moreover, this interface makes analog inputs available to enable triggers or connect Log Detectors. It can be connected to an ADF5355 board from Arduino code version 4.1 and SATSAGEN v.
Some basics about the multi-purpose interface for SATSAGEN (Video) AD8317/AD8318 Log Detector devices interface for SATSAGEN (Video) ADF5355 Synthesizer board interface for SATSAGEN (Video) SATSAGEN INTERFACE by Franck F1SSF (Article - English) SATSAGEN INTERFACE di Franck F1SSF (Article - Italian)
ADF5355 interface
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- ADF5355 board
- 5k trimmer
- 100NF capacitor
- 6 X 1K resistors
- 3 X 560 resistors
- Momentary switch NO

ADF4351 interface
Satsagen >= v., USBDAALBFER >= v.4.9
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- ADF4351 board
- 5k trimmer
- 100NF capacitor
- 6 X 1K resistors
- 3 X 560 resistors
- Momentary switch NO

Si5351 interface
Satsagen >= v., USBDAALBFER >= v.4.9
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- Si5351 board
- 5k trimmer
- 100NF capacitor
- 3 X 1K resistors
- Momentary switch NO

LOG DETECTOR devices interface
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- AD831x LOG DETECTOR module (AD8317 and AD8318 supported)
- 5k trimmer
- 100NF capacitor
- 3 X 1K resistors
- Momentary switch NO

Triggers input interface
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- 5k trimmer
- 100NF capacitor
- 3 X 1K resistors
- Momentary switch NO

PWM D/A converter
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- Step-up module 5V to 15V
- LM358 or equivalent
- 1uF capacitor
- 1K, 4K7, 33K, and 47K resistors
- Momentary switch NO

D/A converter MCP4725 based
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- Step-up module 5V to 15V
- MCP4725 module
- LM358 or equivalent
- 10NF capacitor
- 1K, 4K7, 33K, and 91K resistors
- Momentary switch NO

Noise Source power switch
Simple version
Risk of damaging the Noise Source module! Do not use the XL6009-based step-up module for this application. The XL6009 can reach 50 Volts of unstabilized output in some input voltage conditions below 4 Volts. Use a traditional 28-volt stabilized power instead or an MT3608-based step-up module
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- Step-up module 5V to 29V MT3608-based
- 1K, 560, and 10K resistors
- Momentary switch NO

Noise source power switch
with a voltage control feature
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- Step-up module 5V to 28V MT3608-based
- 1K, 4k7, 28k, 33k, 47k, 100k, and a 180K resistors
- 5k trimmer
- 1uF, 47uF, and a 100uF capacitors
- NPN transistor, and a PNP transistor like 2N5551 and 2N5401
- Momentary switch NO
- LEDs

VNA RF Switch
- Microcontroller like an Arduino Nano
- RF Switch module HMC536-based
- 1K, 47K resistors
- Momentary switch NO

All schematics can be mixed into one interface (except PWM and MCP4725 D/A).
The Arduino’s code is suitable for all schematics.
Arduino Code
Latest release:
usbdaalbfer4.9.zip v.4.9 - ADF4351/Si5351 synthesizers support - Enabled reference frequency configuration field to PLL synthesizers - Energy saving power down for PLL synthesizers Uncomment #define NSPVC line if you use this schematic or Franck's interface to enable the noise source power voltage control feature
Older versions:
usbdaalbfer4.8.zip v.4.8 -Fix EEPROM corruption blocks the Noise Source power interface operations Uncomment #define NSPVC line if you use this schematic or Franck's interface to enable the noise source power voltage control feature
usbdaalbfer4.6.zip v.4.6 -Fix the switch to change the interface mode cannot be used when the noise source power control is enabled Uncomment #define NSPVC line if you use this schematic or Franck's interface to enable the noise source power voltage control feature The MCP4725 library version 0.3.2 by Rob Tillaart is required.
usbdaalbfer4.5.zip v.4.5 -Source Noise power voltage control feature Uncomment #define NSPVC line if you use this schematic to enable voltage control feature The MCP4725 library version 0.3.2 by Rob Tillaart is required.
usbdaalbfer4.4.zip v.4.4 -Source Noise power driving -VNA RF switch driving The MCP4725 library version 0.3.2 by Rob Tillaart is required.
usbdaalbfer4.2.zip v.4.2 -ADF5355 The library code was rewritten -ADF5355 Resolution by 1Hz steps, XO correction The MCP4725 library version 0.3.2 by Rob Tillaart is required.
usbdaalbfer4.1.zip v.4.1 -ADF5355 support The MCP4725 library version 0.3.2 by Rob Tillaart is required.
usbdaalbfer31.ino v.3.1 Allows these SATSAGEN operations: -Analog trigger inputs -Analog ramp output with PWM or a dedicated D/A chip if available -Analog log detectors input -And for future development: RF switches driving The MCP4725 library version 0.3.2 by Rob Tillaart is required.
usbdaalbfer2.ino v.2.0 This version can be used for the real-time triggers feature of SATSAGEN v.!
usbdaalbfer.ino v.1.0